Born Sleepy

According to a Slashdot article, someone has written an application that lets you stream any audio to your AirPort Express.

As Craig from Sports Interactive would say: Yass!


March 02, 2005

Some sneaky bugger Bluejacked my phone the other day - gave me a bit of a shock.

It took me a while to work out what was going on, and that it was basically harmless (I think).


The Register is running a nice piece about the Anti Terrorist Bill currently being rushed through parliament.

Seems like it might be a bit of a bodged job. I’m shocked! That’s never happened before…


February 27, 2005

Jef Raskin, GUI pioneer, interface expert, Apple employee #31, and the man most credited with the creation of the Apple Macintosh, died of cancer on Saturday February 26, 2005.

(Via Slashdot).


February 23, 2005

Boah pointed this article out to me. It’s a good summary of some pros & cons, from the point of view of a Perforce user.

I love Perforce, and it’s the benchmark against which I would judge other systems, but it is expensive if you are an independent developer and want to work on collaborative projects.

So far I’ve been really happy with subversion, but I must admit that I hadn’t really taken on board some of it’s limitations, particularly with respect to merging and branching.

Food for thought…
