According to a Slashdot article, someone has written an application that lets you stream any audio to your AirPort Express.
As Craig from Sports Interactive would say: Yass!
Some sneaky bugger Bluejacked my phone the other day - gave me a bit of a shock.
It took me a while to work out what was going on, and that it was basically harmless (I think).
The Register is running a nice piece about the Anti Terrorist Bill currently being rushed through parliament.
Seems like it might be a bit of a bodged job. I’m shocked! That’s never happened before…
Jef Raskin, GUI pioneer, interface expert, Apple employee #31, and the man most credited with the creation of the Apple Macintosh, died of cancer on Saturday February 26, 2005.
(Via Slashdot).
Boah pointed this article out to me. It’s a good summary of some pros & cons, from the point of view of a Perforce user.
I love Perforce, and it’s the benchmark against which I would judge other systems, but it is expensive if you are an independent developer and want to work on collaborative projects.
So far I’ve been really happy with subversion, but I must admit that I hadn’t really taken on board some of it’s limitations, particularly with respect to merging and branching.
Food for thought…