Bohemian Coders
April 22, 2014

As you may have realised by this point, I’m now contracting pretty much full-time for Bohemian Coding. We’ve been rather busy on Sketch 3.0, which is one of the reasons why my blog posts have dried up a bit.

I’d like to try to remedy this in the coming weeks. One thing that should help is the new Bohemian Coders blog that Pieter and I have set up.

This is a companion to the Bohemian Coding blog, but where that one deals with general stuff, the Bohemian Coders one is solely focussed on the technical issues we’ve encountered.

There are an awful lot of interesting topics to discuss, relating to how we do certain things internally, how the code ended up that way, what changes we have planned, and why.

Why not head over, and check out the first few posts. Meanwhile, stay tuned for more from me, both there and here…