BBC tedium

The beeb seem to be working themselves into a mouth-foaming frenzy about the fact that they accidentally showed the press some footage of the Queen which implied that she might have been a bit pissed off during a photo shoot. Like we are supposed to care…

What century are we in again?

The worst part of it isn’t even the sycophantic fawning over the Queen - distasteful though that is, I’m used to it by now.

No, the worst part is the illustration of just how self-obsessed the BBC have become, and how low their standards of journalism.

The story achieved almost blanket coverage last night, and featured heavily on both Newsnight and the Today program. It’s a growing trend that the BBC cover their own internal dealings as serious news, giving undue prominence to stories about their own programs which often amount to little more than promos.

They should still be a serious institution, and I have a great deal of time for an organisation who’s avowed aim is impartial reporting. Sadly though, the BBC are rapidly undermining that status by behaving like everyone else around them, and taking themselves far too seriously.

In this case, like so many others, actions would speak far louder than words.