The Right To Offend

The idea that we have a right not to be offended by others, and in particular that people with a religious belief hold some sort of privileged position and should be treated differently, is a dangerous nonsense which needs to be refuted.

I’ve heard lots of sensible comment about the current “cartoon-gate”, mostly from liberal folks like myself who believe in the importance of free speech.

I’ve been surprised and worried though, by the number of them who have qualified or modified what they have said - adding something along the lines of “of course, we must respect religious people’s beliefs”.

Respect your beliefs? No, I don’t respect your beliefs. As it happens, I find many of your beliefs deeply offensive.

I respect your right to hold those beliefs, and even to express them to me, but that in no way obliges me to modify my behaviour to fit in with the way you think I should live my life.