Drupal Spam
July 12, 2005

Jonathan has been having trouble with spam in Drupal, and so have I.

I have a nasty feeling that some of the spambots use exploits in Drupal code to circumvent the verification process completely, which might explain how they got round Jonathan’s sneaky Captcha system.

I’ve just been spammed about 50 times by some bloody online poker site. I have comment moderation turned on so they didn’t get posted to the site, but I now have to plod through deleting the things one at a time.

The people that run these spamming operations are total scum, on a par with the touts I saw outside Hyde Park trying to flog Live8 tickets.

Far be it from me to encourage any naughtiness, but wouldn’t it be nice to see some sort of coalition of good hackers dedicated to searching out the spammers and taking down their sites. Give em a dose of their own medicine…

Update: due to a flurry of spam, I’ve now turned off anonymous comments again. If you wish to leave a comment, please either register for an account, or use trackback.