Firefox Build Process - Mind Boggling...

I’ve been building Firefox on a PC recently.

Not what you’d call a laugh-a-minute, but it’s a tough job and I seem to be the mug who has to do it.

I have found my mind quite boggled by the hoops that one has to go through to get this bugger to compile! It’s bad enough on the Mac, but compiling it on windows is truly a Herculean task.

But more boggling still is that nobody seems to be maintaining a Visual Studio solution file for the project. I don’t get it. I can see that configuring the build may have to be done from the command line, and even actually doing the build may have to happen on the command line, but surely it ought to be possible to have a solution file for easy browsing and/or debugging of the code?

Maybe I’ve missed one out there somewhere. If you’ve got one, please let me know!